Coyote on the loose, man finds winning lottery ticket and a grocery store blunder: Top Stories

Here are this week's top stories
From a coyote on the run in Queens, a hazmat-suit-wearing robber, to a man finding a winning lottery ticket in his drawer: Here's our top picks for March 6-11:
1. Coyote spotted roaming in Queens, Long Island has hip and pelvic fractures
The coyote spotted this week wandering through backyards and city streets in parts of Queens and Long Island suffered from a hip and severe pelvic fracture, the Sweetbriar Nature Center in Smithtown said.
In an update on Facebook, the center said he was rushed to the animal hospital at Best Friends Veterinary Care, where radiographs revealed the injuries.
This is why the animal was so easily caught, the center said.
2. Tyvek-suit-wearing suspect arrested in Manhattan bodega murder, string of robberies
NYPD arrested 39-year-old Kimond Cyrus for killing a bodega worker earlier this month on the Upper East Side.
Police are also linking Cyrus to multiple armed robberies in the Bronx, Brooklyn and Manhattan.
nvestigators say his modus operandi was the same. He wore a hazmat Tyvek suit over his clothing and a mask over his face.
In his suit, officials say, Cyrus would show a black firearm, demand money, a cellphone and Newport cigarettes, and then flee the scene.
His quick escape and disguise made it difficult for police to identify him – until now.
3. Man finds winning lotto ticket in drawer days before it expires with wife's help

John Butler won a $100,000 lottery prize claiming it days before it was going to expire. (Massachusetts State Lottery)
A Massachusetts man is $100,000 richer now thanks to the help of his significant other.
John Butler bought lottery tickets before traveling to Florida last year. He put them in a drawer but never checked them.
Butler won the state’s $100,000 cash prize claiming his winnings 11 days before it was about to expire. The Massachusetts Lottery noted that the prize was won in the March 17, 2022 lotto drawing.
4. Aldi suffers Easter marshmallow blunder: 'We can’t even defend this one'
Aldi shoppers are calling out the supermarket chain for stocking Easter Bunny marshmallow snacks that resemble something other than what they were intended to be.
The unintended shape of the "Bunnies and Chicks" first caught the attention of a British shopper who wrote on Twitter: "Sorry Aldi, but that ain’t a Bunny."
"Did they mis-spell chicks," one Twitter user quipped.
"I will take 5 bags please," wrote another.
5. Black cat, whom no one wanted to adopt, goes viral
Aria, the cat, who currently lives at the Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge in Bergen County, has waited nearly 500 days to find her forever home.
The shelter says 373 cats have been adopted from the shelter since Aria arrived back in October 2021.
The 2-year-old black cat kept getting overlooked, so the shelter deciding to post her story online. The post has since gotten over 60,000 likes flooded with comments from people wanting to adopt her.