Why does my dog refuse to go to the bathroom in the rain?
Why does my dog refuse to go to the bathroom in the rain?
Dr. Jerry Klein is Chief Veterinary Officer of the American Kennel Club. He has nearly 40 years of experience in the veterinary field. Fox 5 went to Dr. Klein with common questions from dog owners.
NEW YORK - Dr. Jerry Klein is Chief Veterinary Officer of the American Kennel Club, and has nearly 40 years of experience in the veterinary field.
Fox 5 went to Dr. Klein with common questions from dog owners, and here’s what he told us:
Q: Why Does My Dog… Refuse To Go To The Bathroom In The Rain?
A: Some dogs and some breeds of dogs do not like rain…and yet they may love snow! The feel of wet paws or walking through puddles or wet grass turns them off, often because they are not used to the sensation. Some breeds, like the retrievers, thrive on water and have no problem in the rain.
Dogs, especially adults, can hold their urine longer than many humans can, but in instances when rain lasts for hours, try to find a covered area to exercise your dogs or consider having an umbrella for them or get them used to rubber booties. Go directly to their one favorite spot to let them alleviate. If they do not go, return home and place them directly in their crate. Try again later, hopefully after rain diminishes if you have the time.
WNYW-TV/Fox5 is a media partner of the American Kennel Club