Pro-Palestinian student walkouts take place at Princeton, NYU and Columbia
NEW YORK CITY - Several pro-Palestinian student walkouts took place Wednesday afternoon at universities across the New York City area.
The student groups organized the walkouts at Princeton, New York University, and Columbia – calling for a walkout in solidary with the Palestinian people.
The Wednesday walkouts come as college campuses across the United States have been the site of dueling rallies. Tensions are growing in New York and elsewhere over Hamas attacks in Israel and the ongoing war in Gaza.
Similar tensions were felt Tuesday night in Englewood, New Jersey – as both pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli supporters gathered.
The Englewood City Council passed a resolution earlier this month supporting Israel, and condemning the attacks by Hamas.
This weekend, over a dozen people were arrested during a massive anti-Israel protest in Brooklyn, the NYPD said.
Thousands took to the streets Saturday on 72nd St. and 5th Ave. in Bay Ridge.
According to the NYPD, at least 16 people were arrested after police said the rally became rowdy. Three others were taken into custody.
Dozens arrested following anti-Israel protest in Brooklyn
Thousands took to the streets in Bay Ridge for an anti-Israel protest. The NYPD said demonstrators become combative and aggressive.
Police said demonstrators became combative and aggressive.
Officers were reportedly pushed, shoved and struck with flying debris, which included eggs, fireworks and bottles.