City officials warn to prepare for medicine shortages

New York City officials are warning residents to make sure they have all of their medicines up-to-date in case there are upcoming shortages due to coronavirus.

At a Thursday afternoon news conference, the mayor and health commissioner warned the city needs to be prepared for a potential lack of medicines.

New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot said, "It's a good time for individuals who have chronic underlying diseases to make sure that they're up to date on their refills and not take for granted that they can go to the pharmacy next week or the week after."


Mayor Bill de Blasio says he wants people to feel an urgency to make sure they have all of their prescriptions filled in case the coronavirus situation gets worse in New York City.

He says the situation is different this time, but he remembers the last time there were medicine shortages in the city.

"In the days after Hurricane Sandy, because of the disruption that occurred, pharmacies were closed.  People could not get meds they needed," Mayor de Blasio said.

Officials emphasized that there were no indications of a shortage right now, but residents need to be prepared for the possible eventuality.

New York state saw a doubling of coronavirus cases overnight with 22 known cases on Thursday.


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