Walmart displays Twin Towers of Coca-Cola ahead of 9/11 anniversary
(FOX 5 NEWS) - A Walmart store in Florida used a display of soda cases to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
A customer tweeted a photo that shows two high stacks of Coke Zero cases apparently meant to emulate the Twin Towers. Above the soda display hangs a "We Will Never Forget" photo banner showing the pre-9/11 skyline of Lower Manhattan.
A spokesman for Walmart told Orlando Weekly that the display inside a Panama City store was to be taken down. The spokesman said Coca-Cola usually gives display ideas to the retailer, which approved it.
The photo went viral, of course. @online_shawn's tweet has been retweeted more than 2,700 times.
The reactions online have ranged from angry to mocking to support for the display. @erickabakoff tweeted: "Walmart, this is disgusting and unacceptable. I will not be shopping in your stores again."
@_joshw tweeted: "We Will Never Forget…And Let Opportunities To Make a Buck Get In Our Way! #AMERICA" "But @njcVPSS replied to the person who posted the pic: "Really, Shawn? This offends you? C'mon man! It's actually quite tasteful & sobering...a clever reminder of a tragic event."