Oldest American, Adele Dunlap of New Jersey, passes away

 The New Jersey woman who was the oldest American has passed away.  Adele Dunlap was 114.   She died on Sunday, Feb. 5, 2017, at the Hunterdon Medical Center.

Dunlap became the country's oldest person in July following the death of Goldie Michelson, of Worcester, Massachusetts.  Dunlap was born in Newark on Dec. 12, 1902.  Her life spanned eras from the Model T to the digital age.

Dunlap was the youngest of four children - having three older brothers. She graduated from South Side High School in Newark and then entered Newark State Normal School in preparation for a teaching career.

Upon graduation, she taught school in Kearny, N.J., for five years. During this time, she was introduced to Earl "Lynn" Dunlap by mutual friends. They fell in love and married.

She quit teaching and immediately started a family. They had three children - two boys and a girl.

Surviving are her sons, Earl and Jimmy and many grand and great-grandchildren.

A Funeral Mass of Christian Burial will be offered on Friday, Feb. 10, 2017, at 11 a.m. at Immaculate Conception Church, 316 Old Allerton Road, Annandale, N.J. 08801.