Long Islanders rally to help engaged couple after devastating fire

Amanda Cappiello of Middle Island never imagined a fire tearing down the home she and her fiancé shared together less than a week before their big day. 

"Everything is destroyed," she said. "The house is condemned. We can’t even go back in to see if anything is salvageable." 

Luckily, the couple and their dog, a corgi named Chandler, weren’t injured, but they lost nearly everything they owned except for the clothes on their backs.

"Furniture, kitchen stuff, we lost any getting ready outfits for my bridesmaids," she said. 

Miraculously their wedding bands - recovered by firefighters once the flames were out - were unscathed and still sparkled.

Amanda’s dress and Nick, her fiancé’s tux - were also safely stored at each of their parent's homes.

"We cried for the first day and then said we have to be adults and do what we have to do," Cappiello said. 

They’re doing what they have to and getting love and support thanks to Brides of Long Island - an organization made up of 18,000 local brides who share ideas, inspiration and help each other in times of need.

Owner and founder Heather Cunningham has never met the couple but is committed to doing whatever she can to help.

"I’ve had people coming to my house all hours of the night, dropping things off on my doorstep, clothing, miscellaneous needs," she said. "I just want to see them happy. Brides shouldn’t cry, brides shouldn’t have any hiccups and their day."

While their condo is expected to be rebuilt, Amanda Nick will have to find and then pay for a new place to live temporary live on top of their monthly mortgage payment. Their GoFundMe has raised more than $10,000 and they want people to know any and all donations are appreciated.

The two quickly realized if they can get through this and still smile- they’re strong enough to get through anything.

"A true moment where you know if you were meant to be together is if the tears you apart or brings you together and it’s bringing us together," Cappiello said. 

Long IslandLifestyle