Suspects arrested in 2 separate attempted rapes in Riverside Park

The NYPD has announced an arrest in two separate attempted rapes on women in the area of Riverside Park on the Upper West Side.

Police said video helped them track down the two suspects. 

Investigators believe the suspects were acting separately, but were both targeting women who were in the park alone.

In both cases, the victims reported being out on a walk when they were approached by a male and sexually assaulted, before the man took off on a bike.

Police arrested 39-year-old Luc Tatchiem Noubissi in connection to the assault reported on the bike path near West 89th in Riverside Park. Investigators said Noubissi incriminating himself by identifying himself as being at the scene.

The other man arrested in connection to the second rape was 21-year-old Jhonathan Yahir Cortes-Lopez (59th Street assault).

Officials said they tracked both perpetrators coming out of the park through clothing and bicycles descriptions.

Both suspects are facing attempted rape and none of them have a past record. 

First reported incident 

The first incident happened Tuesday around 10 p.m.

According to police, a 38-year-old woman was targeted while running on the bike path near West 89th in Riverside Park.

Authorities said the suspect – described as a man between 30 and 40 years old, around 5' 6'' tall, and wearing a red sports jersey with the number 40 on the back – got off his bicycle and attacked the woman. 

He forcefully pushed her to the ground and attempted to sexually assault her before fleeing the scene on his bike, police said.

"It's terrifying. I sent a screenshot to my husband this morning because I live right there," one woman told FOX 5 NY. "I was just really scared. I don't know how no one was around.

Second reported incident 

Another similar incident occurred just days later on Thursday before 5 a.m. along W 59th St. and the Hudson River. 

According to police, a 33-year-old woman was attacked. The suspect pushed her to the ground, but the woman was able to defend herself against the assailant, police said.

However, during the struggle, police said the suspect managed to steal her necklace and cell phone when she attempted to call for help.

Police do not believe the two incidents are related.

Authorities are urging anyone with information or who may have witnessed something to come forward and assist in the investigations. 

As of now, no arrests have been made in either case.

Upper West SideCrime and Public Safety