Woman pepper sprayed by Berkeley protester

A woman wearing a red hat was pepper sprayed during the protests at Berkeley Wednesday night was pepper sprayed as she was interviewed by a TV crew.

Kiara Robles had braved the crowd wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat in the style of President Trump's red hats.  It apparently made her, and the t.v. crew, a target.

"I'm looking to make a statement by just being here and I think the protesters are doing the same. Props to the ones who are doing it non-violently, but I think that's a very rare thing indeed," Robles said before being pepper sprayed in the face.

Robles was not seriously hurt in the incident.

The crowd was protesting far-right commentator's Milo Yiannopoulos appearance at the University of California at Berkeley.  They hurled smoke bombs, broke windows and sparked a massive bonfire which prompted officials to call off the event.

The decision came two hours before the talk by the polarizing editor of Breitbart News.