Woman breastfeeds friend's son
A mother who said she was at her "wit's end" with feeding her young son when she couldn't pump at work, turned to a friend for help.
That friend, also a mother who was breast feeding at the time, suggested she breast feed both children.
A photo of Jessica Colletti, 27, of Pennsylvania, breastfeeding the boys has gone viral.
She posted it to the blog, Mama Bean Parenting
The accompanying text reads: "My son on the right is 16 months and my friend's son is 18 months. I watch her son while she works and have been feeding them both for a year! So much love between these milk siblings, it's a special bond between us all," said Colletti.
While the modern day 'wet nurse' seems at ease with sharing her milk with a child not her own, the photo of the 'milk siblings' has created an Internet firestorm with some supportive while others downright offended.