White internet mogul wants Morgan Freeman to play him in biopic

Cyber security mogul John McAfee wants Morgan Freeman to play him in a new biopic, over Johnny Depp.


And while Depp has reportedly been cast to play McAfee in the upcoming flick The King of the Jungle, McAfee says Freeman would be a better choice because “his character closest matches mine.”


McAfee says he has nothing against Depp, but believes color-blind casting is the best way to ensure the film’s authenticity.

“I think Depp is as good as Javier Bardem, John Turturro, Mickey Rourke or Morgan Freeman [to play the part],” the computer virus software kingpin told Newsweek. “I am not joking about the latter. I pray for a time when the skin tone is not a factor in character choice. From what I know of Freeman, his character closest matches mine.”

Hey, if Emma Stone and Scarlett Johansson can play Asian, then anything is possible in Hollywood!


Plus, you’d be hard pressed to find a role that Freeman can’t master.