WATCH: Could the English Bulldog be nearing extinction?
LOS ANGELES, CA - Could the English Bulldog be nearing extinction? With the face of a lovable grump, the popular English Bulldog has one of the sweetest temperaments around. But now he has genuine cause to look so worried.
Most purebred pups have health problems, but it seems English Bulldogs have it the worst. Not only do the docile little champs suffer from poor eyesight and allergies, they also have difficulty just breathing and getting around due to centuries of inbreeding. It was meant to preserve traits like their distinct short muzzle, but it also intensified their health problems.
A new study from the University of California Davis suggests the only chance they have to survive is to introduce some gene diversity by breeding them with other dogs. They’re all so closely related, they’re at a bit of a dead end. Some breeders worry that it would mean the loss of the English Bulldog for good, but it looks like he’s on his way out either way. And think of the adorable hybrids, like a Bulldoogle or a Bullweiler. Maybe a Bullhuahua?