UWS communities want to start debate on free street parking
NEW YORK - It’s hard enough to find free street parking in New York City, with bike docking stations and bike lanes eliminating many spaces.
Now, Community Board 7 on the Upper West Side will vote to ask the Department of Transportation to conduct a study to see if free street parking should be eliminated altogether.
“It has been in place for about 50 years, maybe 60. It didn’t exist before that and so maybe it’s time to at least ask the question, what good comes from free parking and what not-so-good comes from free parking,” said Mark Diller, chair of Community Board 7.
The idea of eliminating free parking does not appear to have a great amount of support, however. Even Mayor Bill de Blasio has said he’s not onboard with eliminating free street parking.
“I think we need to keep finding every solution to reduce the use of motor vehicles in New York City,” De Blasio said. “…but no I’m not there.”
In 2021, congestion pricing will kick in, charging people for driving below 60th street. Communities that border the congestion zone say they are concerned those drivers will flood their neighborhoods and take their parking spots, so the idea of parking permits for residents is also being discussed.
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