US Cyber Trust Mark aims to improve security for home smart devices

Tech devices, regardless of where you live, have found a way into the structure of homes.

Whether they're many or few, devices connected to the internet typically help make lives a little bit easier, but not necessarily safer.

"This increased internet connections bring more than convenience. It brings increased security risks," Federal Communications Commission Chair Jessica Rosenworcel said.

Rosenworcel spoke Tuesday to the growing cyber threats facing Americans every day, sharing the White House and FCC’s new initiative unveiled to address it.

"We can do more the internet of things and these smart devices secure and do more to help consumers make good choices," Rosenworcel shared.

What is the US Cyber Trust Mark?

The U.S. Cyber Trust Mark is a labeling program aimed at increasing cybersecurity of home devices.

It’s meant to make smart devices that require internet connection more secure as they become attractive targets to hackers laxed security standards.

"This is a great program. If this isn't a bipartisan landslide, I would be shocked," Paul Oster said.

The founder and CEO of Better Qualified calls it a huge step that could lead to a tech-security breakthrough.

"This label will let consumers know that this smart device actually meets a level of standards that they should be purchasing," Oster said.

The FCC’s chairwoman intends to make the symbol one both customers seek out for extra security and manufacturers desire to use to tout boosted safety standards.

According to the Biden Administration, the National Institute of Standards and Technology will define cybersecurity requirements for consumer-grade routers that, if compromised, can be used to eavesdrop, steal passwords and attack other devices and high value networks.

"Already globally, we have about 17 billion smart devices on the marketplace, and they’re growing. By the end of the decade, we’re expected to have 25 billion," Rosenworcel explained.

Talks of the initiative are giving a little more peace of mind to individuals who enjoy the convenience of some of the devices growing in number globally.

Tech giants such as Amazon, Best Buy and Google are all sharing their support for the initiative set to launch next year following public comment and more research.

In the meantime, tech experts said it’s important we stay on the lookout for suspicious activity with our logins, ID's and data.