Source: Chris Brown accuser could face charges in New York

Police sources confirm that Chris Brown's accuser is a wanted woman in New York and that if cops find Baylee Curran in the city, she could end up handcuffed and under arrest for grand larceny.

After posting a quarter of a million dollars in bail, Brown is a free man -- for now. That nearly 9-hour standoff with police at his Tarzana mansion ended with the R&B-pop superstar under arrest for assault with a deadly weapon allegedly on Curran, an actress, model and dethroned beauty queen. She claims he pulled a gun on her when she got too close to some diamond jewelry.

Despite the superstar's 2009 felony assault conviction in the Rihanna incident, anger management issues and some minor brushes with the law, the singer may be getting a bad rap this time around, says Chuck Creekmur, the co-founder of .

My police sources say Curran is wanted for a 2013 purse snatching at the Plaza Hotel, where she allegedly stole a friend's Louis Vuitton bag with cash and credit cards.

Brown's high-powered attorney Mark Geragos' thank you tweet to supporters said: "Chris is out and well. The allegations against him are demonstrably false."

What is true is his success as a hip hop influenced singer songwriter. He has more than 60 Billboard Hot 100 chart-busters in just over a decade.

Right or wrong, this latest incident may only add to his allure and bank account, Creekmur says.

Brown is scheduled to be arraigned on September 20. If the district attorney produces a gun they can prove is his, he could be looking at some serious time. It is against the law in California for convicted felons to have guns.

As for the ex-beauty queen, pageant officials are still waiting for her to return the crown and sash.