MTA cracking down on fare evasion

According to data released by the MTA, fare evasion on New York City’s buses and subways is cost the agency $225M last year, with that number expected to be even higher in 2019.

The data also reveals that fare evasion rates are higher on MTA buses, where about 1 in 4 riders to not pay their fare, frequently abusing “Select Service Buses” that ordinarily require a pre-purchased ticket. However, those buses have multiple points of entrance, easy access for anyone who did not pay.

The MTA has recently hired 500 police officers to help stop fare evasion, despite discussion over the fact that doing so would likely cost several hundred million dollars over the next five years.

Also, a number of MTA board members have expressed keen interest in increasing the number of cameras near turnstiles that don’t already have them, saying given the amount of money being lost to fare evasion it is a good investment.