Mets build new pitching mound for Bronx school

For the first time in two seasons, the Lehman High School baseball team can finally play on their home field. The Lions could not have any home games last year, because their pitching mound was destroyed and too dangerous to play on. On its own, Lehman did not have enough money to purchase a new mound. But the school in the Bronx did have a former student on the team from Queens: New York Mets infielder T.J. Rivera.

Head coach Edwin Betances said that when they heard that T.J. was coming back to the school to be honored, they took the opportunity to ask the Mets for help. Betances said that the worst the team could do is say no.

But they didn't say no. The Mets stepped up to the plate, promising the school they would help build a mound that met all high school certifications. The donation was worth more than $15,000.

Players told Fox 5 News that they are so excited and happy to be able to play on their home field again.

So perhaps this mound from the pros will help the Lions play like them. Betances said he would settle for his players playing as good as T.J. did when he was a student-player there.