Kids can brighten neighborhoods with colored rainbows in windows

WESTFIELD, N.J. - Thousands of schoolchildren in New Jersey are learning from home during the coronavirus pandemic.
And now some communities are calling on kids to spread some rainbow-colored cheer among their neighbors during this stressful time of social distancing.
Elementary schools in Westfield have launched the Westfield Rainbow Project. In this optional activity, kids can draw a big rainbow (or download and color in this rainbow template) and add the caption "Everything is going to be OK!" Then they should hang the completed sign on a window or door by 3 p.m. on Friday, March 27.
"Over the weekend, take a walk with your family and go on a Rainbow Hunt... to look for rainbows throughout your neighborhood," reads a note from the school district. "How many can you find?"
But no one says only kids in Westfield can participate. So consider spreading the word in your community and doing it, too.
The rainbow signs can be a refreshing and even heartwarming reminder to anyone going for a stroll or a run in your neighborhood.
As always, you should practice proper social distancing and stay at least 6 feet away from others.
"Have fun drawing and exploring!" Westfield schools say.