Inspector general slams NYPD on surveillance
NEW YORK (FOX 5 NEWS) - The inspector general who oversees the NYPD said the department continued some surveillance operations even when authorization had expired.
It's a tale of two releases. One investigation concluded; two interpretations. If you listen to the NYPD, it sounds like the department got an A-plus when it comes making sure it plays by the rules when investigating political activity.
But if you listen to the Department of Investigation, the agency that looked into all this, the NYPD continued its operations even when authorization had expired 54 percent of the time. And it used confidential informants without proper documentation.
But while the investigation found the NYPD failed to follow rules regarding authorizations and timing, it did not question the motive of the agency, which is to keep us safe.
The NYPD has now agreed to adopt changes designed them to help keep better track of deadlines.