Health issues during cold weather

Allergies and other cold related conditions are being blamed on the frigid air.

“We just bought our stuff for the cold, hats gloves so that we're ready,” said one bystander.

Hats and gloves can help keep you warm, but they don't always protect you from cold-related health conditions.

 “I think many people are in disbelief that cold weather could actually cause some type of skin reaction,” said Dr. Rahul Sharma head of emergency at NY Presbyterian Weill Cornell.

Some of those skin conditions are hives and ray-nods, which can make your fingers extremely white or blue.

“It's a problem with blood vessels constricting. It causes pain, numbness, and swelling,” said Dr. Sharma.

Doctor Rahul Sharma said cold weather can also trigger hives.

“It's a histamine reaction your body is having to cold weather- the mild cases can have produce welts, and itchy feelings, more severe problems trouble breathing, wheezing,” Although those extreme conditions are not common, Doctor Sharma said it is scary, nonetheless, when it happens to you.

He recommends bundling up, dressing in layers, and keeping your head, ears and hands covered.