Great deals online right before Cyber-Monday
They may have to rename it Cyber Sunday after this year. Some major retailers are not waiting until Monday to offer big bargains; they're advertising steep discounts starting Sunday.
Stores like Macy's, Walmart and Target launched their Cyber Monday sale campaigns on Sunday.....yet another sign that the once clear shopping lines are blurring, more so than ever this year.. With black Friday beginning on thanksgiving thru Cyber Monday, it's turning into a 5 day bargain bonanza......
“It's a great time to shop, .instead of being centered just on Cyber Monday” said RetailMeNot executive Trae Bodge.
Online shoppers are accustomed to looking for discount coupon codes, but Jon Lal, founder of says buyers also should look for cash back offers, like those offered on his site, which are more common than ever.
“You will get cash back, double your savings" he said.