FOX 5 viewers save animals in need of forever homes

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Dozens of animals in Heard County have been given a second chance at life, thanks to FOX 5 viewers. 

For a month, Kaylene Ingram with Heard County Animal Control has been trying to find homes for the 17 dogs and 18 cats at the facility because crucial maintenance is forcing them to shut down for one week. Officials said the floors have to be repaired for the health of the animals and said while the work is being done, they have no place to keep the current pet population.

Ingram, on camera Monday, begged for rescuers to come forward and save the animals. We shared her plea on FOX 5 News as well as on the FOX 5 Atlanta Facebook page, and the response has been incredible. 

Heard County Animal Control said almost all of the animals have since been rescued. As of 1 p.m. Tuesday, only two dogs and a handful of cats remain at the facility, but a rescue group has already said they will pick them up if the animals aren't adopted. 

Animal Control told us the response has been "overwhelming" and phones have been ringing off the hook. 

Ingram said crucial repairs have to be made for the health and safety of the animals who reside at the shelter. The floors are cracked and chipped and she said germs can seep into the cement, spreading disease.

Repairing the floors will take about one week.

For more information on the shelter, click here or call them at 706-675-3570.