Cuomo calls for better NYPD training following water-dousing incidents

Gov. Andrew Cuomo weighed in on the recent spate of water dousing incidents on members of the NYPD saying their response was "unacceptable, disturbing and embarrassing."

Cuomo, speaking on WAMC radio Monday, said the officers' reactions made the NYPD look "impotent."

The governor went on to say that training at the NYPD of its officers should be updated and that the suspects should have been arrested.

Three of the suspects seen dousing cops in viral videso were arrested. The NYPD is still looking for 10 additional suspects.

"The NYPD is frozen, but don't blame the cops. Instead, blame the complete lack of leadership from City Hall," said PBA President Pat Lynch.

A spokesperson for the NYPD said "the NYPD is the best-trained and most-skilled police department in the world."