Community leaders call for better police relations
They used the word "Unity" without restraint. Community leaders and activists were all asking the same question. How do we get on better terms with the police who protect us? "Even when I first went into to law enforcement. I went into it to make a difference" one officer told us.
But being a police officer isn't getting any easier.
The murder of one of NYC's Finest , Officer Randolph Holder, the 4th officer killed in the last 10 months , has made this one of the deadliest stretches for the NYPD.
Violent crime is up by double digits in a number of major cities across the country...
Some critics are calling the rise in crime and deteriorated relationship between the police and some communities the ‘Ferguson effect.’
Activist Tony Herbert says in light of Ferguson and Baltimore, serious community relation issues have been raised.
“But at the end of the day, we can’t keep doing the negative, we have to do positive” Herbert said.
Over the weekend, the frayed relationship and perceived bulls eye on police hit a crescendo in Time Square with a rally against police violence led by Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino,
The cover page of the New York Post put it in simple terms. ‘Disgrace.’
In response to Saturday's protest, President of the Police Union Patrick Lynch asked for a boycott of Tarantino’s films saying in part: "It's no surprise that someone who makes a living glorifying crime and violence is a cop-hater, too. The police officers that Quentin Tarantino calls 'murderers' aren't living in one of his depraved big screen fantasies. They're risking and sometimes sacrificing their lives to protect communities from real crime and mayhem."
Rev. Al Sharpton, one of the most visible leaders and critics of police who have killed unarmed black men, drew the line. “We, who unapologetically don’t support bad police, need to unapologetically support good police” Sharpton said.