Christie claims he turned down offers for positions in Trump's cabinet
New Jersey’s Governor, Chris Christie, who has been a major Trump supporter since backing out of the presidential race himself, claimed that he turned down positions in president-elect Trump’s cabinet.
According to the NY Daily News, Christie- who was a possible Vice President candidate for Trump said that he turned down offers to be secretary of homeland security and secretary of veteran affairs.
Christie’s role in the Trump administration seems to lessen as the president-elect slowly fills up the spots.
Christie expressed interest in becoming Republican National Committee chairman, but was snubbed on that role. He was also planned to be in charge of White House transition efforts, but the role was taken over by Vice President - elect Mike Pence.
Still involved in the Bridgegate scandal, it could be that Christie’s role in the Trump administration is strained because of that.
Christie plans to finish his term as governor, which ends in January 2018.