Brazil police find huge cache of Nazi gear in alleged pedophile's home

(Policia Civil RJ/Handout)

Police in Rio de Janeiro found a great deal of Nazi material, including weapons, ammunition, paperwork, and uniforms inside the home of a child porn suspect.

The bust took place on Tuesday, they said in a release.  Civil police officers say they arrested a man for illegal weapons charges, storing pornographic materials involving children, and sexual harassment charges.

Police started monitoring the man after they say he had been approaching children in the condominium complex where he lived and trying to take them to his residence. A court authorized a search and seizure warrant and went to his house.

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"He is a smart guy and articulate, but he's a Holocaust denier, he's homophobic, he's a pedophile and he says he hunts homosexuals," Luis Armond, the lead detective on the case, told Reuters. "I'm no doctor, but he seems to me an insane psychopath."

Police were reportedly probing the man's connection to Nazi and other far-right groups.  His name was not released.
