Aggressive fox captured on U.S. Capitol grounds

The captured fox. (U.S. Capitol Police)
WASHINGTON - U.S. Capitol Police say they captured an aggressive fox on the grounds of the Capitol that may have attacked at least one member of Congress.
They had received multiple reports of people being bitten by a fox over the past few days. Animal control agents captured the fox in the Upper Russell Senate Park on Tuesday afternoon.

(U.S. Capitol Police)
A spokesperson for Rep. Ami Bera (D-CA) said that the congressman had "an unfortunate encounter" with a fox on Monday when he was nipped on the leg. It was inconclusive whether the was bitten but he went to Walter Reed Hospital for shots as a precaution.
Tuesday morning, USCP received a call about a fox approaching staff near First and C Street.
Sen. Joni Ernst show video of the fox running across the Capitol grounds in the early morning hours.
Officials say this fox may have a den in the mulch bed area on First and C near the Dirksen Building, and there is another possible den near the perimeter of the Russell Building.
Officials warned that foxes are wild animals that are very protective of their dens and territory, and told people to not approach any fox they may see.