It's the World Series, wear what you want
FOX 5 NEWS - As adults there only exist so many situations in which we can wear blond wigs, neon sneakers and fake mustaches and still command the respect of our fellow man. Thankfully for Mets fans, Game 3 of the World Series at home on Halloween eve proved one of those situations.
But for the American male, the decision to ask one's wife to dye one's beard orange and blue is not made lightly.
When it comes time to dress himself for game day it seems the name chanting, beer swilling, trash talking sports fan grows a little fussy: "I don't want to wear too much Mets stuff because then I look like a super-fan weirdo."
Super-fan weirdos abound at the ballpark but customs change when that weirdo re-assimilates into daily life. Some subscribe to the rule that grown men should never wear sports jerseys just as grown men should never bring their glove to the ballpark.
The seasoned fan strives to distinguish himself from the droves of October spectators rushing to buy their first piece of memorabilia the moment the team meets success. But whether or not a man's outfit changes with the night's starting lineup or emphasizes fashion instead of function or even pairs a jersey with a white head of hair.
As long as the color palette of our sartorial stylings matches that of our team's, the ballpark is a safe place to dress in whatever we feel most comfortable.