Woman from California goes viral on TikTok for documenting her Texas experience

A mother who moved to Round Rock from California a year ago has been documenting all the ins and outs she's learned about becoming a Texan, pleasant or not.

"You can start sweating when you're still wet from the shower," she said in one TikTok video on what she’s learned living in Texas for one full year.

July marks one year of Sam Speiller calling Texas home.

"I was prepared for a lot of things in terms of culture shock about the move, but I just was not prepared for some of the more basic elements about living in Texas," she said.

She uses TikTok to shed light on some of the things she’s learned living in the Lone Star State.


"The left lane is for passing, but also the right lane will also be for passing, too, if you go too slow. One can use manners to rip another person to shreds. The sun can heat up a pool just fine, it's like swimming in soup," said Speiller in another video.

She has three separate series on her TikTok: Life in Texas, How Texas Has Changed Me, and Things in Texas That Still Confuse Me.

"It's been really, really fun and funny for me to experience people getting joy in my discovery. It's really easy to do because it's just what occurs to me throughout the day as I'm trying to cope with the high heat and stuff like that," said Speiller.

She says the response she’s gotten from her videos is mostly positive. Many Texans even agree with what she points out.

"It seems to have helped others sort of re-appreciate things that they just got used to," she said.

Speiller says overall she loves everything about living in Texas, so she definitely plans to continue these types of videos.
