Wind-swept fire kills 2-year-old, damages NJ church

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Weather played a role in that massive fire in New Jersey that left a young boy dead and his father seriously injured.

Sts. Joseph and Michael Catholic Church stood in Union City for more than a century.

When the steeple collapsed, it tore down power lines and tore out a piece of something so special in this community

On the other side of the block, on Summit Avenue, was where it all started. The fire broke out Saturday morning at 1 A.M, and quickly spread.

What sparked the inferno is still under investigation.

Inside the 3-story apartment building , where Eddie Gonzalez Jr., a little boy who would've turned two years old next month was found dead.

Gonzalez Jr.’s mother, Veronica Gonzalez created a GoFundMe page asking for assistance for funeral payments and replacements for belongings lost in the fire.

Mayor Brian P. Stack, issued his condolences to Gonzalez family for the loss of their son, “It’s absolutely devastating. The loss the parents of this little boy are experiencing is unimaginable and truly heartbreaking. We all will hold our loved ones a little tighter tonight having heard the news of this tragedy.”

Firefighters were up against incredibly difficult conditions. The water from their hoses literally froze to power lines. Investigators believe strong winds caused embers to jump from that apartment building to the church.

Over 60 people were displaced due to the fire and have received temporary assistance from the Red Cross and were sent to Jose Marti Middle School.

A family who lost loved ones in an instant were joined by parishioners and fellow neighbors praying for answers.