U.S. citizen jailed for walking pet calf in Moscow

Alicia Day is seen in court.

An American woman has been sentenced to jail for walking her pet calf in Moscow's Red Square.

A Russian court Wednesday ordered 34-year-old Alicia Day to spend 13 days in jail and pay a $200 fine.

Day was arrested in the Russian capital after reportedly trying to take her pet calf, named "Doctor Cow," for a walk near the Kremlin.

"I bought the calf so that it wouldn't be eaten. I decided to take him to such a beautiful place and show him the country," she said, according to the Tass state news agency.

According to the case file, she reportedly had shouted the slogan "Animals are not food" in Red Square, where public events are prohibited.

She also allegedly tried to resist arrest.

Local news media reported that Day had been in Russia since Jan. 21 and worked for an animal protection organization.

The vegan activist made headlines in 2019 when she was living in London and kept a pet pig

WorldPets and AnimalsUnusual