Student's tattoo sparks depression conversation
NEW YORK (FOX5NY) - A college student from Oregon wanted to spark a conversation about depression, the debilitating condition she says she endured for too long. After seeking professional help, Rebekah Miles, 20, began to feel better. Not wanting others to suffer in silence, she decided to get a tattoo on her leg that read 'I'm Fine' from one angle and 'Save Me' when read upside down.
Miles wrote: To me, it means that others see this person that seems okay, but, in reality, is not okay at all. It reminds me that people who may appear happy, may be at battle with themselves."
Miles posted a photo of her leg on her Facebook page that quickly went viral. That was one year ago. Now, since Aug. 23, 2015 the post has 450,000 reactions, been shared 350,000 times and had 42,500 comments.
Now that she has had the tattoo a year, Miles has reflected on it in a new blog post.
She writes: "When I reflect upon the meaning behind my ambigram tattoo, I can say that I’ve been doing better not bottling up what I’m feeling. It’s still a struggle, but I wish to strive to be transparent and vulnerable, so I can show people that’s it’s alright to open up; that it’s okay to have your own struggles; that it’s okay to hurt or have pain; it’s okay to break down and have bad days…but I want to make it clear that it doesn’t last, even if you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel."