Protest over Republican health bill
NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A protest in Brooklyn took place Saturday to draw attention to what could happen without the Affordable Care Act as the Trump Administration pushes a new health care option.
A staged “die-in” protest took place where protestors laid on the floor with tombstone posters- written with reasons of their death.
Attendees included Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adam- all reject the new republican health bill.
"Our determination is clear - we know how important health care is,” said Adams.
In the crowd outside the steps of Brooklyn Borough Hall, many said they benefited from the Affordable Care Act, also called Obamacare.
Many worry that while some conditions are covered under the replacement proposal, insurance companies may be able to charge more for people who are recently uninsured.
The Administration took the pitch directly to voters. Vice President Mike Pence spoke in Kentucky.
"We’re actually going to get rid of more than 500 billion dollars in Obamacare’s tax increases. And we're going to give Americans more choices,” he said.
It is clear the sales pitch faces major hurdles such as the AARP, the American Medical Association, and the American Hospital Association- all of which have voiced major concerns.
President Trump insisted there is a way forward.
"The house plan follows the guidelines I laid out in my recent address to Congress -- expanding choice, lowering costs, and providing healthcare access for all,” he said.
The Trump Administration also looked to win over support from several hard line Conservatives in both the House and Senate needed to pass the bill.
Two dozen members of the Freedom Caucus have expressed serious reservations.
Some good news for the Trump Administration - insurance giant Anthem said it is endorsing parts of the proposal.