Patrons pay what they can for a meal at pop-up cafe on Long Island
NEW YORK (FOX 5 NEWS) - Volunteers are donating their time to feed the community. On the second Wednesday of every month, you can find Cassandra Giangrasso in the kitchen at the VFW in Patchogue, Long Island. She is helping her friend Rosemarie McCarthy who has brought the concept of a community cafe to Long Island.
Harmony Cafe serves freshly cooked meals to anyone with an appetite. Can't afford the suggested $10 donation? Rosemarie asks people to pay what they can or just lend a hand.
Rosemarie's goal is to raise enough money to open a community cafe five days a week for lunch and dinner. Guests say it's an example that people do care. It's about filling more than their stomachs. Rosemarie hopes she is fueling their souls.