NYC to reserve parking spots for shared cars
NEW YORK (FOX5NY.COM) - As in most neighborhoods throughout New York City, street parking is at a premium in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn. It is like finding a grain of salt in a mountain of sand. We went to Warren Street and could not find a spot. It was the same story on Clinton Street. No matter where we went, no parking.
Well—in the near future, you will find even fewer parking spots.
The Department of Transportation, with the support of the City Council, will launch a two-year pilot parking program for car-sharing companies. Hundreds of parking spots in 14 neighborhoods throughout the city will be strictly designated for car-sharing—cars that you can rent by the hour or day.
DOT's Alex Keating, the director of special projects, says that if more residents share cars, fewer private vehicles will take up parking spots. He added that other cities with similar programs have seen a freeing up of parking spaces.
Plus city officials believe that car-sharing reduces pollution and congestion, and they point out that if you don't own a car, you don't have to pay for insurance, maintenance, and other expenses.
The new car share parking pilot program begins sometime this spring.