Nigeria mistakenly bombs camp, kills more than 100

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) - A Red Cross worker says volunteers for the relief agency are among those who've been killed in a mistaken bombing of a refugee camp in Nigeria. It was carried out by a Nigerian Air Force fighter jet that was on a mission against Boko Haram extremists.

A state official said more than 100 refugees were killed and aid workers were wounded. But according to the Red Cross worker, 20 volunteers with the aid group were among the dead.

A military commander confirms the accidental bombardment. It's believed to be the first time Nigeria's military has admitted making such a mistake. He said he ordered the mission based on information that Boko Haram insurgents were gathering.

Doctors Without Borders said its team had counted 50 bodies and treated 120 wounded.

In the past, villagers have reported some civilian casualties in near-daily bombardments in northeastern Nigeria.