Minnesota couple takes engagement photos at Costco
ST. LOUIS PARK (KMSP) - Costco is known for helping customers save money, but the Hopkins couple says their engagement pictures taken inside the warehouse club are priceless. VIEW PHOTO SHOOT
Like most couples, Dan Klamet and Karrine Tarshish enjoy taking weekly trips to Costco.
"I like good deals,” said Tarshish. “Everybody does but that's why we like it."
But few have used it to not only showcase their love affair with each other, but also with the store itself.
"We are so not into engagement pictures and it’s like everyone is so interested in our engagement pictures now,” said Tarshish. “It’s so funny."
When the photographer for their upcoming wedding threw in some free engagement pictures, Klamet and Tarshish decided to tickle some funny bones as well as warm some hearts. So they went to the Costco in St. Louis Park and posed for pictures doing normally mundane things in the most romantic way possible. Tarshish’s dad even makes a cameo as a Costco shopper on a scooter behind them.
"We just wanted to have something that our friends and family think are funny and represent our sense of humor,” said Tarshish. “It turned into a lot more than that."
But Tarshish got more than she bargained for when she posted the pictures of their trip down the aisle of the big box discounter on Reddit. The photos went viral, appearing on websites for several national news organizations and in places as far away as the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.
"I did not expect it to go anywhere and the response has been for the most part good. Look where we are now," she said.
The day may have ended with the couple rolling their cart into the sunset, but they hope they'll be shopping happily ever after. Their only wish? A Costco registry.
"They don't do registries,” said Tarshish. “But every time we go there we wish they did.”