Mayor de Blasio: Donald Trump is a racist

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is no fan of fellow New Yorker Donald Trump. Over the weekend, the mayor called the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for president a racist.

"I didn’t realize this was in question," de Blasio wrote on Facebook and Twitter. "He behaves like a racist, he speaks like a racist…of course Donald J. Trump is a racist."

De Blasio, a Democrat, supports Hillary Rodham Clinton for president. He and his wife, Chirlane McCray, have campaigned for Clinton.

"The answer to proto-fascism is better democracy," de Blasio wrote.

Trump has been criticized for racially charged comments. In various stump speeches, he has used strong words about immigrants, calling Mexicans who come to the United States "rapists." He was also slow to disavow support from noted white supremacist David Duke.