Jones Beach gets preview of Bethpage Air Show

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If you're a fan of blue skies, plane stunts and patriotism it's your kind of fun. Hundreds of people getting a head start to the holiday weekend at Jones Beach watched wow-worthy airplane tricks during practice for the 13th annual Bethpage Air Show, which takes place May 28 and 29.

Rob Reider, the man behind the mic, has the best view in the house on what he calls one of the most symbolic weekends of the year.

"Jones Beach will always happen because the people of New York will never forget the price that was paid by so many," Reider said.

The air show at Jones Beach attracts a quarter million visitors each day. It will feature the French Breitling Jet Team, Royal Canadian Air Force Snowbirds, and the U.S. Navy Blue Angels.

"While we're up there the teamwork is absolutely fantastic," Commander Ryan Bernacchi of the Blue Angels said. "We're flying close to each other. You can feel the other airplanes around you that push the air around."

Plane enthusiasts like Joshua Powers brought out their best gear. He has his long lens camera and scanner radios.

"It's nice, it's loud, they're fast, it's just a lot of fun," he said. "It's a great way to be out in the sun for the day."

Lucille Chase is a proud parent. Her son Nicholas is flying in this year's show.

"I come down every year just to watch the whole show, the Blue Angels," she said. "Somebody that I actually know in it is an honor, so thank God for the blessing."

People coming out will also get a firsthand look at some of the more than $30 million improvements at the park including renovations at field 6 and the west bathhouse.

Some advice: get here early to secure a prime spot. It's $10 a car. The park opens at sunrise.