Ivanka Trump interviewed by Dr. Oz
NEW YORK (FOX5NY) - Dr. Mehmet Oz interviewed first daughter Ivanka Trump in an episode of his TV show focused on working families and for the first time in a TV interview, she opened up about having postpartum depression after the birth of her daughter.
She is promoting allowing women who give birth to have paid leave from work and made the acknowledgement that she would not have been able to return to work quickly because of her condition.
"The essence of the interview was about what we need to be able to do to change the plight of women in America, especially working class women," Dr. Oz said.
He says he did ask her some pointed questions about
As part of the segment, Dr. Oz convinced Trump to hold an actual brain.
"She was lobbying for a prop brain but that is an actual brain," Dr. Oz said.
The Dr. Oz show airs at 1 p.m. on Fox 5.