‘How to make toilet paper’ search spiked 1,300 percent on Google amid COVID-19 pandemic
LOS ANGELES - Following a surge in panic buying that ensued as a result of the mass closures implemented amid the coronavirus pandemic, Google said there has been a spike in people searching for “how to make toilet paper.”
The Twitter account for Google Trends, which monitors what people are searching for on Google, said that the term “how to make toilet paper,” spiked over 1,300 percent in the past week.
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As the virus continued to spread, everyday items such as paper towels, toilet paper and hand sanitizer quickly became a hot commodity as people prepared to hunker down indefinitely as state and local authorities slowly implemented stay at home orders across the country.
Earlier in March, Amazon appeared to be completely sold out of toilet paper with the company stating there would be delays in deliveries for most items. This apparently prompted people to take matters into their own hands by looking up a DIY toilet paper recipe that can be made while cooped up during self isolation.
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As thousands took to the internet to find a way to make their own supply of the high-demand bathroom tissue, an online toilet paper calculator emerged to help people properly ration their rolls.

FILE - llustrative image of toilet paper in San Ramon, California during an outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus, March 25, 2020. (Photo by Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images)
The website, called "How much toilet paper," describes itself as a “simple calculator for how much toilet paper you need to survive the pandemic.”
After entering the number of rolls you have along with how many visits to the bathroom you expect to make per day, the website delivers an estimate of how long your supply of toilet paper will last.
Meanwhile, shortages on the items have forced people to think outside of the box.
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One person posted on Twitter a way to utilize toilet paper cardboard roll inserts as makeshift door openers.
“Don't have gloves? Use toilet paper roll to cover handles then throw away in the garbage, not recycling in case it's contaminated,” wrote Trendmebeauty.