Homeless in New York: Crisis on the Streets
NEW YORK (FOX5NY) - Homelessness is making headlines in New York City: the struggle, the suffering, and the solutions; the stories from those who have hit hard times. So how do we help the city's most vulnerable? Homelessness in New York City is at an all-time high. For months there has been a heated debate over who is to blame. Fox 5's special report looks at several issues and stories. CLICK HERE TO WATCH SPECIAL
Lisa Evers has a look at just how bad the problem is and what solutions are out there. We've all been seeing more and more homeless people on the streets. It alarms New Yorkers and tugs at many hearts. Mayor Bill de Blasio at first denied there was a problem. Now he is offering some solutions. But his approach has ignited a war of words with one of his most outspoken predecessors, Rudy Giuliani.
Homeless veterans make up a good portion of the people living on city streets. They are often caught up in a difficult transition coming home after combat. Zachary Keisch has the story of one veteran who is back up after being down and out thanks to Veterans-in-Command. It provides housing for veterans and there families, temporary and permanent housing for the homeless, as well as housing for battered wives and military veterans, in the New York City area of Brooklyn, and Queens.
When it comes to tracking the city's homeless population, technology may end up being the perfect tool. A local software designer has developed an app aimed at helping the city. Jennifer Lahmers reports on how NYC Map the Homeless works.
The plight of the homeless has forced some parents into having a difficult discussion with their kids. Lisa Evers explains how mom and dad can approach this delicate subject.
While the city struggles with a growing problem, nonprofit groups are coming up with unique solutions and getting results. Linda Schmidt visits Cluster House on the Upper West Side where people can get a fresh start and a life off the streets.
The Jericho Project is another organization in town offering the homeless hope and dignity. Liz Dahlem shows us how they're helping a former veteran get the support she has long needed.