Former Mayor Bloomberg pledges millions to support Paris accord

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a self-made billionaire who has been outspoken about climate change and environmental issue for many years, is promising millions of dollars to bolster programs under the global climate accord that President Donald Trump has dumped.

"Americans are not walking away from the Paris Climate Agreement. Just the opposite – we are forging ahead," Bloomberg said in a statement released by Bloomberg Philanthropies. "Mayors, governors, and business leaders from both political parties are signing onto a statement of support that we will submit to the U.N. – and together, we will reach the emission reduction goals the U.S. made in Paris in 2015."

Bloomberg pledged up to $15 million to fund the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change Executive Secretariat, a program helping countries meet their commitments under the Paris agreement. The former mayor said the money will come from Bloomberg Philanthropies "in partnership with others" and is meant to replace what the program could lose because of Trump's intention to back out of the deal.

Bloomberg is U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's special envoy for cities and climate change.

"Americans will honor and fulfill the Paris Agreement by leading from the bottom up," Bloomberg said. "And there isn’t anything Washington can do to stop us."