Flag-stomping protesters demostrate at rallies

MILWAUKEE(FOXNEWS) –  In a year when political tensions already are running high, a group of protesters is fueling the acrimony by showing up to political rallies and events with a large American flag – and stomping on it.

The members of the self-described “F*** Your Flag Tour” most recently popped up at a Donald Trump rally Sunday in West Allis, Wis. They posted themselves next to the line of thousands of people waiting to get into the Republican presidential front-runner’s event at the local high school.

They proceeded to lay the muddied flag on the ground and stand on it, triggering heated exchanges with those nearby.

One man shouted to the group, “My brother is fighting overseas for that flag, pick it up."

He got into an argument with the protesters and tried to get close enough to pick up the flag but was blocked and shoved. Police eventually had to lead him away out of safety concerns.