Family: Frank Gifford suffered from brain disease

The late Frank Gifford showed signs of a degenerative brain disease, known as CTE, according to his family. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a degenerative disease linked to multiple concussions.

This brain disease can only be diagnosed after death.  Gifford's family made a decision to have his brain studied. They say the Hall of Fame football player did experience firsthand symptoms of CTE, including memory loss and depression.

Giants fans will remember the huge hit Gifford took from Philadelphia Eagle Chuck Bednarik in 1960. It forced him to miss all of the 1961 season.

Gifford went on to a long and storied career with the Giants followed by an illustrious broadcasting career. He passed away in august of natural causes at the age of 84.

In a statement, the Gifford family says it found "comfort in knowing that by disclosing his condition we might contribute positively to the ongoing conversation that needs to be had. That he might be an inspiration for others suffering with this disease that needs to be addressed in the present."

Other former NFL athletes Junior Seau and Jovan Belcher, both of whom committed suicide, were diagnosed with CTE after their deaths.