Deputies say baby left inside truck

Black Hammock Fish Camp, along Lake Jesup, is well known for beautiful lake views and big alligators. Now, a lot of people are buzzing about a baby found in a parked car.

"I just kind of overheard a baby just really crying," explained the fish camp manager, Jay Rivera.  "I went to the back window, knocked. No one answered, so at that point...the baby kept crying.  I opened up the door and found nobody was in the vehicle, you see that baby in there just, you know, sweating and crying."

Seminole County sheriff's deputies responded to Rivera's 911 call.  By the time they got here, they say the baby and the couple driving the truck were gone.

Deputies tracked the couple down.  A report states they first told deputies they stopped at Black Hammock to "use the restroom" and each had one beer.  Later, the report states the man "admits to having two drinks…and not to having the opportunity to drink them."

The Sheriff's Office says both were given traffic citations for leaving a child unattended in a car.