Dangerous driving conditions as storm rolls through

The New York State Police are warning motorists to avoid unnecessary driving as a winter storm moves through the region.

Along with snow and freezing rain, temperatures are expected to drop to 25 degrees below zero across western portions of the state Wednesday into Thursday. Roads may be slick and snow covered.

If you must head out, NYSP encourage you to keep the following tips in mind:

•Get the latest weather forecast before leaving with your local weather apps, monitor radio or TV stations. Click HERE for the latest from the FOX 5 NY Weather team.

 •Always clean your windows and mirrors FULLY of any snow and ice before driving.

•Keep a full tank of gas

•Fluid levels are sufficient ( windshield washer fluid, ant-freeze)

•Spare tire is sufficient and you have the jack and wheel wrench

•Use headlights at all times to increase your visibility to others. Remember, if your windshield wipers are in use due to weather, then your headlights must be on.

•Drive prudently. If the conditions are adverse, you should decrease your speed accordingly.

•Brake early

•Do NOT use cruise control. This decreases your reaction time to apply braking.

•Look out for events farther down the road. Creating more time to react can make a difference.

•Be aware of maintenance vehicles and emergency vehicles. Give them room to work.

•If you do not absolutely have to go out on the roads, then don’t.

Keep your vehicle stocked with first aid items, food, gloves, blankets, cell phone chargers, shovel, ice scraper, jumper cables, etc.

If you're involved in a collision, stay in your vehicle and call 911.

Roll you're windows down a few inches or turn your vehicle off if you are stranded. Covered mufflers can lead to death due to inhalation of carbon monoxide. 

Be aware of your location when you call police.