Call to ban sugary drinks for kids
NEW YORK (FOX5NY) - A bill in the New York State assembly is calling for a statewide ban of the sale of sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces to minors. The ban would apply only to minors trying to make the purchase alone.
The bill, introduced by Assemblyman Matthew Titone, would also require warning labels on foods and beverages with at least 40 grams of sugar. Any beverage containing one hundred percent fruit juice or natural vegetable juice with no added caloric sweeteners would be exempt.
The American Heart Association recommends people consume, at most, 25 to 45 grams of sugar per day.
A 16-ounce bottle of Coca-Cola has 52 grams.
The legislation is called "the sugar-sweetened food item and beverage safety warning act." The Staten Island Democrat does not have a Senate sponsor for his bill yet.
Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg famously attempted to ban sugary drinks in New York City but the plan was rejected by the courts.
The American Beverage Association has fought legislation in several cities targeting soft drinks. It is currently suing San Francisco over warning label legislation.