Body of teen found off Long Island beach

A Suffolk County Park Ranger has found the body of a 19-year-old who disappeared in the waters off of Shirley on Sunday.

Jevoney White, 19, of Springfield Gardens, Queens, went into the water with a group of friends at Smith Point County Park at approximately 6:45 p.m. and did not return.  The friends alerted Suffolk County police.

The Suffolk County Police Marine Bureau, Aviation Section, Seventh Precinct officers, personnel from South Country Ambulance, the United States Coast Guard, Suffolk County Parks police, Suffolk County Park Rangers and officials from Fire Island National Seashore searched overnight.

The body was found at about 6:50 a.m. Monday.

National Weather Service meteorologists had issued a rip current warning along Smith Point Sunday afternoon. There are also signs posted at Smith Point warning patrons about rip currents.

With the Associated Press