Black Girls Rock Tech Summit
With the help of Google and the White House, nearly 100 young African American women had a glimpse of what it's like in the field of technology.
Who rules the world? These girls will.
Girls ranging from 12 to 17 years-old from all over the area attended the Black Girls Rock Tech Summit at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center on Saturday.
The main focus was Computer Science; specifically.. coding.
Reps from Google as well the White House also gave a panel discussion and spoke to girls one on one
“We have more than 95 girls here to code with us” said Valeisha Butterfield Jones from Google. “It’s a dream come true”
Summits like this are important for the job market in general. One estimate is by 2020, there will be more than one million Computer Science jobs than people qualified to fill them. The starting salary is in the 6 figures range.
“It’s really cool, it's easier than I thought it would be” one girl told us.